This is the restaurant that i mentioned and recommended to people all the time.
it located at the Jalan Alor.
People who love food should give a try at this restaurant.
People called it a food haven.
I stole this picture from an unknown blogger.
Goggled it from the site.

I don't know what they called this. But it's nice. :)
Marmite pork.
A must-eat dishes.
this is the most recommended dishes in this restaurant.
people tend to come all the way here to Jalan Alor just to eat this.
Look at my dad. He is so cute.
So chilling.
I'm good at taking pictures. Hee
it's quite similar with Kei's birthday cake.
Birthday girl
Look how tall is my sister.
Can u see?
Sooner I'm gonna be the shortest among my sisters. SHIT!
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