Its been half a year since the last time I saw this 'posting-new-post' square box.
Looking at my blog, the latest blog post......wa shit! December! Seriously I didn't know it was that LOOOOOONG man!
I need to be back for real. Reasons?!
1. Desperately to earn more side income (being very honest here)
2. For the purpose of 'sharing'. (right =.=)
So, a short list of what happened in that six months of MIA period (if I could still remember)
1. attend classes.
2. stuck in the hostel
3. activities w the college mates
4. study, assignment
5. attend classes
6. stuck in hostel
7. holiday finally.
8. work
9. shopping
10. depress over pimples
Yeah. Boring. I know right! And this explains why I haven't been blogging for such a long time! Nothing inspires me to blog and lack of motivation! Well, I do have some urge to blog sometimes. You know, when you see your friends updated their blogs happily and shared among other people. Usually I saw on Twitter, "oh, I just updated my blog, go check it out!", "I just blogged about bla bla bla today." Then naturally, I will come across to my dead blog. Don't even know why I have it for.
Anyway. Done with craps. And here goes my latest pictures!
The last activity I had was a 2 days trip to Rawang with my college mates.
Basically, the place we went was just a new environment, a bigger house for us to hang out, mahjong and drink. Not much difference compared to one of the friends' house we usually hanged out.
The only difference was, it has a swimming pool, creepier environment (cos the houses located like in the woods)
The owner actually own this whole piece of land somewhere in Rawang and its totally free for his friends and family to have a relaxing day at his place. That piece of land has a basketball court, a pond for fishing and 3-4 houses for accommodation.
Taken from the up view.
Yes! This is the latest picture of me. I picked the nicest picture of all of course :D
Pretty? I think so too.

Don't be cheated! I tried this errrr....magic BB cream from Etude House that magically covers EVERYTHING! When I say everything, it means EVERYTHING! Including scars, PIMPLES esp. (not the hugeass one la. Of cos its still visible and u can see the bum there) and dark circles!
It absorbs into your skin superbly fast. Fucking magic!
p/s: I have major problem w pimples and I certainly did not photoshop them. Just the lighting.
The people I usually hang out with. <3
Till then. Will be back. xo.