I believe some of you have seen this photo album on my Facebook. It just for the sake of tagging other people and letting them know their beauty have occupied some of my space in my memory card. So if you didn’t see your face in my camera means you’re ugly! LOL. Just kidding.
If you didn’t see your face is because you’re a total stranger to me and of course I will not approach you and request to take pictures.
By the way, this is our very first time of attending wedding dinner without our parents. And we even have to korek the angpau money from our own pockets. But it’s worth doing that though. Seeing the happy faces of the married couples, old friends, although we felt awkward for the whole freaking night. Haha. Felt like we don’t belong to the place at all wtf. Maybe because there were too many unknown faces lar.
The entrance. Love the flowery design.
Not forgetting to take pictures of our beautiful faces that took us almost an hour to finish.

Helen and the bridegroom.

Ah Fatt is such a lousy photographer.
Bridegroom and I.

Its me again.

The Golden Sun.

Chocolate. This is what you will do when you’re so bored and hungry.

More tea to ikat perut. Damn kesian wtf.

Finally served the first dish.

Favorite picture of the night. The huge and the tiny. Damn cute. The man like a big boss only.

The faces of happiness. Toasting and cheering.

On the stage.

Loving this picture. Natural smile on their faces I’d captured that night with my lousy camera.

Drunk face
The bride and the bridegroom’s brother. All same faces one. Macam clone saje.

Sister and the bridegroom.

Last one. The picture of the guys before we left.
Time for bed, good night people.
The bf will be staying in hostel starting from next week. :(
Next update : Outing with Chee Kean and friends at Koi Centre, Sentul Park.